About Me


Howdy! I'm Oliver Garcia. The best way to describe me is that I am a Jack of all trades, master of none. I enjoy pretty much anything, whether it involves solving a complex physics problem or learning how to play a new song on guitar. In high school, I was known to carry a guitar around whilst fixing peoples' computers when they caught viruses all while competing in robotics competitions. Nowadays I program in my spare time and enjoy taking challenging upper level math and physics courses at A&M.


I strive to be able to take the knowledge I have acquired and apply it to the tech industry. My long term goal is to create a service or cutting edge technology that will shape the future of the industry. In order to do so, I need to hone my skills and be constantly aware and open to learning the changing that are happening today. I also hope to get a Ph. D in Physics and use that knowledge to propel new technologies.
The knowledge I have gained through coursework so far has enabled me to truly abstract any sort of process in whatever I do. I am able ti take a step back and look at the big picture. This is incredibly useful when trying to understand how many of the technologies today are interacting with each other.